If you are serious about your goals, there’s one step you can take to completely change the game.

It can literally change everything.

And it’s something I personally do, too.


In fact, hiring my own fitness coaches, nutrition coaches, and business coaches were some of the best investments I ever made because they helped me get to the next level.

When you’re trying to reach your goals or achieve something you’ve never done before – a coach will help you get there FASTER and with less trial and error.

If you’ve never worked with a coach before, let me fill you in on what to expect.

1. You’ll eliminate that overwhelmed feeling.

There is a TON of conflicting info out there about what you should do to get results (as well as how and when).

It can make your head spin. Working with a qualified coach who has a proven plan can help you quickly shift from overwhelm mode into ACTION (and results) mode!

2. You’ll get help setting realistic goals and creating timelines.

A coach can help you pinpoint specific goals … and create a reasonable timeline to help get you there.

This eliminates false starts, detours, and roadblocks along the way.

3. You’ll actually follow through!

Accountability is EVERYTHING.

It’s easy to break an appointment with yourself or to not follow through on your program if you’re the only one who knows about it.

Having a coach boosts your chances of 1) following through and 2) getting REAL results!

4. You’ll be FIRED up.

Have you ever had anyone who is as excited about your progress as YOU are?

A coach is your partner on your goal-getting journey, motivating you and supporting you from Day #1.

They’ll help you celebrate when you reach your first goal –  and be there for you for all the goals to come!

5. You’ll fast-track your results.

Great coaches know exactly what it takes to succeed and understand the fastest path to your goals. But (and equally as important) they’ll adjust the path to fit YOUR lifestyle and what you’re able to commit to right now … which will set you up for lasting success.

6. You’ll realize you’re capable of more than you ever believed.

This is a life-changing part of the process that’s often overlooked.

A coach will push you out of your comfort zone to do things that are challenging – helping you to 1) expand your boundaries and 2) gain confidence.

7. You’ll be truly proud of yourself.

Another life-changer. When you step out of your comfort zone and accomplish new goals, your self-efficacy grows.

You know that you can count on yourself.

And there are so many more benefits …

I haven’t even touched on things like: learning proper workout form, practicing wellness and fitness fundamentals, and installing healthy habits that can create a lifelong healthy lifestyle.

Ready to find out if working with a coach is the right fit for you? Then click here.

If you feel stuck when it comes to losing weight and getting fitter … there’s no need to go at it alone. Work one-on-one with your own private coach. We have a proven process to help you reach your goals at https://adelefrizzell.com/programs-and-services/.

Have you worked with a coach before? What’s the most exciting thing that happened to you when you worked with a coach? Comment below! Mine would be when I learned new things about myself from another person’s point of view.

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